Video voicemail

Revolutionizing Communication with Video Voicemail

Dealing with an overflowing inbox and voicemail can be overwhelming and stressful. Despite our best efforts to maintain organization, the constant influx of emails can be difficult to manage. For sales professionals, this raises the question of how to effectively communicate through email and stand out in a crowded inbox. Luckily, the future of communication is here, called video voicemail. 

The changes technology makes to communication in the very near future are more far-reaching than many people are willing to admit. Voicemail is no longer just the voice of your customer service representative — that’s why we need a new way to communicate with them better. Video voicemail is a simple solution that you can use right now. Therefore, taking advantage of this revolutionary innovation in messaging and interactive customer support is essential today.

What is Video Voicemail 

Video voicemail is a type of voicemail that includes a video recording of the person speaking in addition to an audio recording. Instead of just hearing a voice, with video voicemail, you can see the person speaking, allowing for a more personal and efficient way of leaving a message. Moreover, video voicemails can be sent and received on various devices, including smartphones and computers, and used for personal or professional communication.

Think of a video voicemail as a fusion of traditional voicemail and video conferencing. Like voicemails, they are brief and to-the-point, while incorporating the power of video to communicate effectively. This combination creates a compelling message that can differentiate you in a crowded inbox, engage your audience, and successfully convey your message.

Why You Should Use a Video Voicemail

Video voice mail offers users an alternative to traditional contact methods, shows that your business is available anytime and anywhere, and, most importantly, lets them know you care without contacting them. More than that, there are several compelling reasons why you should consider using video voicemail in your communication efforts. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Personalization 

Video voicemail allows you to add a personal touch to your outreach efforts by including your facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. This can help humanize your message and connect with your audience.

  • Increased engagement

It is more engaging to use video voicemails than traditional text-based emails or voicemails, as it offers a visual element that can hold the recipient’s attention. This can help ensure your message is received and understood more effectively.

  • Efficient communication

Video voicemail is a quick and easy way to convey information and can save time compared to a traditional phone call or video conference. This can be especially useful for busy professionals who must communicate quickly and efficiently.

  • Differentiation 

Video voicemail can help you stand out in a crowded inbox and differentiate yourself from others who may be using traditional methods of communication. This can increase the likelihood of your message being received and responded to.

  • Improved customer experience

In customer-facing industries, such as sales and customer service, video voicemail can provide a more efficient and personal way of communicating with customers, improving the overall customer experience.

Overall, video voicemail provides a modern, efficient, and personal communication tool and can be valuable for various professionals. Whether for personal or professional use, video voicemail offers many benefits. Also, it can help to improve communication and engagement with your audience.

When To Send a Video Voicemail

Video voicemail is a flexible and versatile tool that can be sent at any time, much like a traditional email. Its advantage lies in its ability to convey your message personally and visually, eliminating the risk of misinterpretation that often arises in text-based communication.

There are several scenarios where video voicemails can be particularly effective:

  1. Cold Emails: A video voicemail can help you stand out in the crowded inbox of your prospects, providing a personalized touch to your outreach.
  1. Introductions: Sending a short video introduction to prospects, customers, or team members can help build relationships and create a more personal connection.
  1. Follow-Ups – After a meeting, recording a video recap can ensure your message is clearly communicated and understood.
  1. Customer Service: Personalized video messages can effectively support your customers, answering their questions and guiding them through solutions to their problems.
  1. Interviews and Recruitment: Personalizing the interview process with video voicemails can make a lasting impression on top talent, setting you apart from other potential employers.
  1. Internal Communication: Use video voicemails to communicate with your colleagues effectively, share company updates, onboard new employees, or send training and demonstration videos.

A video in an inbox is eye-catching and intriguing. Watching a video on your own time is much more convenient than scheduling a phone call or in-person meeting. Deliver your message clearly and effectively to avoid misinterpretations with video voicemails.


Indeed, video voicemails offer a unique and personal way to communicate in today’s fast-paced business world. By combining the convenience of email with the visual power of video, video voicemails can effectively convey your message. Also, it will be effective in building relationships, and increasing the likelihood of a response. Whether you’re reaching out to prospects, customers, team members, or colleagues, video voicemails are valuable for anyone looking to stand out in the inbox and communicate more effectively. So, why not try it today and start experiencing the benefits for yourself!