Online Distance Learning: Five Useful Tips for Students

Online Distance Learning: Five Useful Tips for Students

Most of the students got used to learning in classrooms. Since school lockdowns started, online distance learning has become quite a challenge.  Instructors don’t have a choice but to use e-learning in education. Everyone’s social life isn’t the same anymore. As a student, it is easy to lose your focus on academics during these times. How about the dream of […]

E-learning: Is it a Good or Bad Method of Education?

E-learning: Is it a Good or Bad Method of Education?

E-learning education is one of the most chosen methods of learning during the pandemic. Schools, museums, and public libraries are closed. For safety and convenience, most of us stick to e-learning platforms instead. How reliable is the e-learning system when it comes to gaining knowledge? Here are the positive and negative sides of e-learning: Advantages of e-learning: Self-paced Many students […]

E-learning: Its Advantages and The Power of Knowledge

E-learning: Its Advantages and The Power of Knowledge

The current situation of the world has forced most people to stay inside. Schools, libraries, and other learning facilities are also closed. Electronic learning or e-learning is a good learning alternative at home. You never have to worry about finding your learning resource. Here are studies that have proven e-learning’s effectiveness: According to the ILX survey, 51% of HR decision-makers […]

Distance Learning Education: Five Surprising Benefits

Distance Learning Education: Five Surprising Benefits

The basic foundations of education appear to be dependent on proximity. Relationships, face-to-face, conversation, and responsiveness, are all of the main aspects of effective teaching and learning, which appear to necessitate actual, physical proximity. Unfortunately, with the coronavirus ripple effect in education, the possibility of unintended distance learning education increases. As schools around the world close and pupils are at […]

Distance Learning: An Innovative Platform for Education

Distance Learning: An Innovative Platform for Education

The COVID-19 epidemic is having a significant influence on people’s lives, particularly young people’s lives. Schools and institutions have been closed. Tests and events have been postponed, health information services are limited, and interaction with friends and family is discouraged. Many young people are without access to learning tools and materials. There will be a negative impact on their academic […]